Tales of the Witchblade BooksPDF readerTales%20of%20the%20Witchblade%20%20Books GZP

Cover A Blue Cover w/ Panther. Cover pencils by Tony Daniel, inks by Kevin Conrad. A Tale of Anne Bonny Witchblade of the High Seas, script by Christina Z, pencils by Tony Daniel, inks by Kevin Conrad and Billy Tan (pp.10, 15, 19); Anne Bonny leads her pirates to an enchanted island on a treasure hunt where she obtains the power of the Witchblade in order to defeat the brutal Blackbeard.
Tales of the Witchblade (1996),Top Cow Comics,B0019GCK5M
Tales of the Witchblade (1996) on . Cover A Blue Cover w/ Panther. Cover pencils by Tony Daniel, inks by Kevin Conrad. A Tale of Anne Bonny Witchblade of the High Seas

Product details - Comic 36 pages
- Publisher Top Cow Comics; #1A First Print edition (1996)
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